Our Organization
American Patriots at Shadow Mountain Lake is a non profit organization founded and operated by Veterans.
Our Vision
We have a vision to create a nationally recognized, premiere center for healing on behalf of our warriors, create hundreds of veteran jobs and inject new revenue into our community.
The Start
Our ambitious goal starts with the purchase of over 4,000 acres of land in El Paso, TX, restoring the land into a retreat for our veterans and a thriving hub for El Paso/Horizon quality of life.
American Patriots at Shadow Mountain Lake was founded to provide a fun therapeutic outdoor environment for Veterans, family members, and the community.
Our Mission
Its mission is to create a nationally recognized venue for the treatment, education and healthy development of all wounded, injured and ill Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Improve the overall mental health of 3,600 veterans in El Paso, Texas by 2030, through various bonding experiences and mentorship programs.
Increase the number of programs from 3 per year to 12 by April 1, 2017.
Decrease mental instability in 50% of veterans served, by providing adequate support, a therapeutic environment and strengthening their personal relationships.
Partner with 2 local veterans’ mental health organizations, who have the clinical knowledge and skills to provide support during therapy sessions, by Aprii1, 2017.
Process Objectives
Assist mentally-ill veterans during their transition from active duty to civilian life, by providing a 12-month Peer Mentorship Program.
Administer monthly mental—check meetings and annotate mental health improvements with Project Evolution participants for up to 1 year.
Survey all Project Evolution Program participants with a mental health questionnaire.
Conduct weekly safety briefings for veterans and their families in all areas of mental health—PTSD, depression, anxiety, TBl—especially focusing on veterans struggling with substance abuse and suicidal inclination.
Observe and annotate changes in behavior with the veteran’s help through journal entries to build self—awareness.
“You have served on so many different fronts, cold and hot, dry and wet, high and low. Yet, our Country never once saw you lay down your arm, nor rest your eyes on watch, nor give in to forces unseen…So why would we, your brothers and sisters, not do everything in our power upon our arrival home to see you welcomed home as one of equal dedication?”
– American Patriots

Tony, the American Patriots organization has been an organization I believe I can really support and feel good about. Not only has it given me some great contacts for my own business and moved it forward like I couldn't have done without those contacts, but it has given me a sense of belonging to something with a much grander purpose. Just hanging around and talking to the members of American Patriots gives me some sense of belonging to something I did not participate in but I support every part of my heart and being- the American Soldier and Veteran. I have also been giving thought to starting a rehabilitation group for veterans that are in need of job training or just a place to belong. Feeding a motherless calf twice per day could just be the ticket the young, or older soldier needs to fill their day and give purpose to their life when they are struggling. American Patriots is a great place to put your money and time. CEO/Florence Cattle Group
Kevin HuckabeeMilitary veterans are the backbone of American Patriots at Shadow Mountain Lake. These former combat vets have a genuine dedication and commitment to helping our battle-scarred heroes deal with the aftermath of military separation and/or medical discharge. Oftentimes, the affected veterans feel displaced and disheartened to find themselves struggling to acclimate to the civilian world post-military career. Organizations like American Patriots are vital to helping veterans combat suicide, PTSD, depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction, which are grave and constant threats facing our American heroes.
Zulieth ColemanThe American Patriots is a great organization. I have had the opportunity to participate in several events with them, what I enjoy about this organization the most is they not only support events that benefit veterans but also veterans families! One of my favorite events I have done with The American Patriots every year is 26.2 mile Bataan memorial death march, held in White Sands New Mexico. With their sponsorship and support, I have had the opportunity to meet other disabled veterans like myself, connect with them, and expand my network. Other events I have been apart of with them being their yearly Golf tournament and their Christmas Santa gift-giving. As a combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient, I am thankful to be apart of who the American Patriots are and what they do!
Adam AragonI joined American Patriot in 2016 as a way to help other Veterans as well as Active Duty service members . When I spoke to Tony Lang he gave me an insight to the organization and it’s mission statement...to help veterans as well as Active duty service members cope, heal and overcome their physical and or emotional injuries. This spoke to me in a personal sense, not in a check the box let’s give ourselves a pat on the back and look good kinda of way, but knowing that there are men and woman who are out their who really care and have been through their own personal accounts of what it means to be in the fight. Through this I have found I deep sense of belonging in assisting and helping others. It gives a person a deep sense of meaning and It gave me something thing else I didn’t know I needed but I got out of American Patriots..... support, strength, brotherhood and healing. Staff Sergeant Henry Cordero Jr. United States Army Operation Iraq Freedom American Patriot
Staff Sergeant Henry Cordero Jr.- I so appreciate what American Patriots is doing to help veterans and families. This fills a real need in our community!Andy Whatley