Information on the project
American Patriots have plans to purchase Shadow Mountain Lake and Recreation area.
The Plan
A unique recreational area consisting of 4,200, acres and many structures that need repair. Their plans are to purchase the property and bring the property back to its’ prior prime condition and then develop the area as a retreat for wounded warriors and other veterans and open the park to the public as a recreational business.
Our Vision
Our vision is to assist wounded warriors and veterans in their quest to become successful, well-adjusted members of society and offer a place where veterans can go to get away from the stress of work or past experiences. This will be accomplished by offering programs to the participants that are designed to overcome the challenges of readjustment that is critical to the success of each individual.

Through interactive programs, outdoor rehabilitative retreats, peer support and professional services, wounded warriors are given the tools to maintain healthy, meaningful relationships with family and friends and pursue life goals without the stigmas associated with mental health issues. Plans are to employ and assist transitioning veterans with a job or business opportunity and provide a therapeutic environment for veterans and wounded warriors and their families.
An unprecedented percentage of service members are surviving severe wounds or injuries and many more servicemen and ex-servicemen and women live with the invisible wounds of war; including, combat-related stress, major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

This and the fact that all members of the group formed to address these issues are all service men and women or ex-servicemen, hence they understand the complexities involved in designing a program that would address these situations. A key to the successful implementation of such grand ideas and plans is that the founding group has tremendous empathy for wounded warriors and wants to move ahead with the plans to get this program started. The seriousness of this endeavor is in the fact that the founding group is willing to give of their time and efforts to recruit other ex-military personnel to serve as volunteers and peers to help get the program started.
Plans are for activities for veterans and wounded warriors, but also for the general public and key uses for the property include developing the main lake to make it top-notch for swimming, sailing, and wind-surfing. The property will lend itself for marathons and there are already areas developed for campsites and RV sites. The lakes are ideal for fishing—freshwater lakes that would be a huge differential advantage for advertising purposes. Other uses of the property would be horseback riding and eventually, stables to be built and rented out on a monthly basis, trap shooting, company picnics, and other outdoor recreational activities.
Other plans are to develop an incubator for veterans and/or victims wanting to start a business—suggestions are to operate the businesses or form the businesses that will be providing the activities @ Shadow Mountain Lakes such as Paddle boats, golf course, and driving range, Go Carts, RV resort, adaptive sports, company picnics, a BBQ restaurant, etc.

Funding for this project will come from presenting the concept for this project to individuals, charitable organizations and other funding organizations, government grants, private foundations, corporate partners and other non-profit and for-profit sponsorships. Each source will be asked to donate to the program and the proceeds will be utilized primarily for improvements to the property, including utilities, repair to the water systems to insure water for the fresh water pond, repairs to the entrance gate, purchase of a monument sign, purchase and installation of flags, repairs to the pavilion headquarters and monies for food services, campground and RV area renovations, a water pump building, construction of a food court or a restaurant, showers and locker rooms and storage facilities to be built. Funding for ongoing security services will also be a part of the funding requirements.
A web site will be developed immediately that will paint the picture of all the activities available at Hideaway Lakes and emphasis will be on marketing to the public in the weeks after the new property ownership is established. If the property is leased with an option to purchase, the marketing plan can still be put into effect with a different twist.
Media that will be utilized regularly will be print media, T.V. advertising, radio spots, mail-outs, and major exposure at Ft. Bliss to publicize the wounded warrior program and also to interest current military personnel and retirees in the many features of Hideaway Lakes. An entrance fee will be charged—this might be waived for the veterans and wounded warriors and plans call for other organizations to be contacted to publicize the recreational area.
The market for Shadow Mountain Lake Recreational Area is will focus on El Paso TX., Las Cruces N.M, and all other surrounding communities, including Juarez Mexico.
The management group will be responsible for all planning of activities at Shadow Mountain Lakes Recreational Area and will hire an adequate number of employees to ensure maximum coverage is available for all activities. New employees will be scrutinized to ensure they have the proper skills, but that they also have a customer-service, customer-satisfaction attitude toward the treatment of customers. Many employees will be hired from the GI Forum and other veteran employment services.
Management will ensure that all activities are fully staffed, insurances are in place as needed and the safety of all customers is of utmost importance. Regular training of all employees in regards to properly operating all equipment and safety training will be on-going. Management will conduct daily inspections and will oversee all activities and programs in order to ensure adequate personnel is in place and that all equipment is handled safely. This will include daily cleaning of the lakes and all storage areas.
Management will also implement cash management systems and inventory control systems immediately.
Initially, funding will come from donations from individuals, charitable organizations, government grants, private foundations and corporate organizations. After the initial expense is incurred for the renovations and prep work and supplies for the start-up of operations, it is anticipated that the public will support the various programs by making it a regular destination point for their planned activities.
From the very start, assistance will be offered to military personnel and ex-military personnel that either has a small business or are seriously considering opening a business to assist them in owning and operating some of the activities offered—such as horseback riding or operating the food concession at the lake. The management group will provide the assistance needed to help the veteran or ex-veteran get his/her business up and running.
Future plans/goals
After successfully purchasing the property, making the needed renovations, marketing the features of the property, and ensuring that plans for the wounded warrior project are in place, the founding/management group can turn their attention to ensuring that the venture is profitable.
As the project matures and the start-up of activities is well-underway, management can concentrate on developing other products, services, or spin-offs.